Haley Kotwicki

Haley Kotwicki has many years of experience with family caregiving, especially with older adults. She has a background in journalism and is currently the content specialist ComForCare and At Your Side Home Care.

Recent Posts

Problem Gambling and Older Adults

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on June 3, 2019 at 8:00 AM

When I would visit my grandma at her retirement community, I would watch the parade of little white busses shuttling residents from one day-trip to the next.

My parents joined her for one of the casino outings.

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Topics: Caregiving, Alzheimer's and Dementia, Finances, Activities and Lifestyle

Hoarding Is Hazardous for Your Older Loved One - Part 2

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on May 14, 2019 at 8:00 AM

In a previous post, we discussed the clinical definition and dangers of hoarding disorder (HD). If you are unsure if your loved one has HD, the International OCD Foundation says the key feature of HD is disorganization to the point where the living spaces can no longer be used for everyday activities as they were intended.

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Topics: Aging, Fall Prevention, Caregiving, Healthy Living

How to Not Become Your Parents’ Parent

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on May 7, 2019 at 2:00 PM

When someone who has raised you (whether a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) begins to decline mentally and physically, it can be frightening and troubling. The person who guided you through all the unfamiliar stages in life now needs you to guide them; your hero needs a hero. This role reversal is becoming extremely common as seniors are living longer. About 30% of middle-aged adults with at least one parent age 65 or older said a parent needs help handling their affairs or caring for themselves. Many adult children will need to prepare to assume a new role in their parents’ lives.

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Topics: Aging, Caregiving

Hoarding Is Hazardous for Your Older Loved One - Part 1

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on April 3, 2019 at 3:00 PM

While my grandma lived at her home, my mother and I would make it a point to stop by at least twice a week to help with the light cleaning, such as dusting and vacuuming. The underlying clutter we mostly left untouched until after my grandma died. What we found was amazing: a jar full of matches from various establishments, some ancient crackers and so on. I know, the situation could have been more challenging – she could have been hoarding.

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Topics: Aging, Fall Prevention, Caregiving, Healthy Living

Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on April 3, 2019 at 12:00 PM

For some, there is nothing more refreshing than sinking their fingers into warm soil or biting into a sun-ripened tomato fresh off the vine. There is a basic human feeling when planting seeds or bulbs — a sense of accomplishment and a state of deep peace. However, gardening not only feels good, but it is also good for you. In addition to growing nutritious fruits and vegetables, here are some of the other health benefits of gardening.

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Topics: Home Care Planning, Activities and Lifestyle, Healthy Living

There Is an App for That Part 7

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on March 19, 2019 at 8:00 AM

Some apps in the online stores can waste time, money and memory space on your gadget. This series scours the internet and finds the handiest apps that are not a passing fad. The following group of apps has been tested here in our office.

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Topics: Finances, Technology

Pets for Seniors: Animals Can Make Older Adults Happier and Healthier

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on March 5, 2019 at 9:00 AM


For older adults who live alone or have lost their spouse, pets can be excellent companions. When my grandfather passed away, my grandmother adopted two blue baby parakeets named Heckle and Jeckle. Although they screeched incessantly, they gave her purpose, and she adored them. She would wake up early to feed them their seed, she would sing to them and every few weeks she would drive to the pet store to buy them more perches, bells, etc.  She was overjoyed when she thought Heckle was going to lay eggs and rushed to get a nesting box (Heckle never laid the eggs because he was just a very chubby boy.)

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Topics: Aging, Home Care Planning, Caregiving, Activities and Lifestyle

Tax Season Is Prime Time for Scammers

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on March 5, 2019 at 7:00 AM

Tax season is upon us and so are the con artists. In one of the more popular scams, a caller pretends to be an agent from the IRS, complete with a badge number. Even the phone number has a Washington D.C. area code. The phony IRS agent says you owe money and threatens arrest, court action, deportation or license revocation. They try to scare the person by reading off their address, Social Security number and other personal information.

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Topics: Aging, Caregiving, Safety

Open Your Eyes to AMD and Low Vision

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on February 7, 2019 at 9:30 AM

February is not only the month of hearts, but the month of eyes, as well — National Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Low Vision Awareness Month. That’s quite a mouthful (or eyeful), so let’s explore these conditions. 

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Topics: Healthy Living

Why Family Caregivers Should Be Their Own Valentine

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on February 7, 2019 at 9:00 AM

Valentine’s Day: People send cards, flowers and candies to special people in their lives, but some people tend to overlook themselves. This is especially true for family caregivers. 

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Topics: Caregiving

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